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Sunday, December 8, 2013

71stAdlaw sa Aurora –Badak Festival 2013

Hon. Boen Dorotheo Cabahug

Aurora ZDS-Aiming at giving  the community  the best entertainment  they rightly deserve  Atty. Boen Dorotheo Cabahug the Municipal Mayor combined the scheduled activities at the 71s’t Founding Aniversary  usually celebrated  in the last Saturday of November with the Badak Festival as usually done during the term  of Mayor Enrique J. Cabahug.
Badak Festival’s  theme KalambuanPadayon ,Kahiusahan ,Gikinahanglan , Kalinaw ug Kalipay Mabatonan thus  projecting the  significance that unity is a must  for peace and  security and  growth for development to reign in a community expecting  good governance  from its leaders .
The festival was highlighted with a civic parade where floats from each sponsoring group were beautifully and proudly displayed .As a tournament, field demonstrationcontest, chess tournament, dancecontest, fungames and the most is the search for Miss Aurora aimed at developing talented ladies to become successful beauty Queen in the country soon.
During the search for Miss Aurora the guest speaker was Director Paisal O. Abutazil  the DILG- 9 Regional Director.
At some point from his speech he mentioned the Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan Pamana project  to inform the audience that it is about to be implemented  with a budget allocation worth of multi-million pesos .
The search was witnessed by various sponsors in the barangay’s town and the board of judges was from Cagayan de Oro City except one the Vice Mayor of TangubCity.
There were 8 pretty and intelligent contestants who were all asking to be crowned Miss Aurora 2013. In the Q& A portion three of them the 1, 6 and 8 bested the rest by giving smart answers. Yet the  best one who responded quickly  was Ms. Cristy Nina Alegado  who captured  the Miss Aurora 2013  crown , she was sponsored  by SK federation of Aurora .
Aurora ex- Mayor Enrique J.Cabahug and the town’s number one municipal councilor Bonemar Cabahug attended the search.
The joint  71’st adlaw sa Aurora  Badak Festival 2013 is the first celebration were the  first town activities  during the first year of the newly  elected mayor Atty. Boen Dorotheo Cabahug  which accordingly  was a huge success that not only surpassed  similar events in terms of attendance  but also of its contents as well.
In an interview of Mindanao Med Press Mayor Cabahug said that he will do the best to lessen the number of underprivileged people in his town. He will also prioritize the putting up of livelihood program for the low-income constituents of Aurora.

By: Alex Sanchez

Friday, October 18, 2013


Juvy Palgan Dagang a native of  Pagadian City and the youngest among the three children of Mr and Mrs Roque and Carmelita Palgan has a compelling passion for canines.

She is happily married to an army man by the name of Jayson Dagang, who is now in Syria fulfilling a special assignment.

Only a few months ago, her services was hired by Perla Compania de  Seguros Inc, one of the most reputable non-life insurance companies in the country to manage its local branch here.

From then on she has been spending most of her time in the office even as she still manages to find time to mingle with friends by playing (badminton)every now and then; yet her heart truly belongs to the biosphere of animals, specifically her pet dogs in a good number.

Juvy is a pet lover but most often socializes with those whose passion for pet animals are akin to hers. She cherishes attending meetings of pet organizations and passionately participates inpet competitions, which she confides brings here an enormous feeling of self-satisfaction and fills the emptiness of being childless at this time and with an absentee better-half.
JUVY’S dogs numbering in eight are named Thomas, Jazz, Bruno, Bacoco, Goldy, Buday, Buddoy and Margo .

City Police Director Genn Macario Dulawan said in the interview with the medpress that police men have been deployed in coastal and urban barangays to block bad elements group. This time PNP members are occupied to do the 24/7 responsibility in preventing and safeguarding peoples life and property in the community.

Marilou Talibong - LTO Personnel Molave Zamboanga del Sur

We wanted to enjoy what we were doing and we had business things we had to straighten out and personnel problems and it sort of took a little time to do it.

Pagadian Gas Appliance

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

1ST-100 DAY

Mayor Boen Cabahug

Conscious that the excellent performance of his predecessor, who happens to be his mentor and father, Ex-Mayor Enrique Cabahug, who for many years has displayed a no nonsense skills in governance, incumbent Aurora town Mayor Dorotheo Boen Cabahug has exerted his level best if only to approximate the accomplishments of his father.
Among the projects, the new mayor beams with pride are the concreting of roads, such as the Bailde barangay road, a grant from the DILG as reward for a splendid green and clean program which won in a competition. He also speaks highly of the locally funded concreting of a road going to the national high school as well as the farm to market road of Sition Pacatan which was approved by the Department of Agriculture for funding with a 20% counterpart for the LGU fund.
Another project he mentions proudly is the Pamana Program of which Aurora is among the 15 towns of Zamboanga del Sur who would stand to benefit in the sum of P15 Million and earmarked for the development of the road in barangay Commonwealth.

“As for now, I am going to find out what are the most important things to do that would redound to the progress of Aurora, which is foremost in my mind.  I hope to attain my dream of a progressive Aurora by applying the principle of good governance, I inherited from my father.”

By Alex Sanchez


It only happened for the first time in Pagadian City and only under the watch of new LTO District Chief Johan Macaumbos that emission tests of Rural Transit bus are conducted right inside the LTO compound at Tiguma, Pagadian City.
Noticeable also is the fast delivery of services unparreled in the past years such as the renewal of driver’s license and renewal of car registrations. A firm believer that clients themselves are the best advertisers of good services, Macaumbos sees to it that functions of various sections in the district office run smoothly and efficiently.

By Alex Sanchez


During a one on one talk with this journalist, Regional Director Aminola Abaton last August 28, 2013 clarified the dual position held by LTO9Asst. Regional Director Yusop Lamping, who is also presently the head of operation at the central office in Manila. Abaton said that while Lamping has been out for about a couple of months, he is still considered the legal occupant of the position of LTO9 Assistant Regional Director, hence, the position is not vacant and cannot be applied by any person.

Abaton during the casual talk also said that protocol plate numbers will be implemented in the third quarter of September; as follows: SAAO123 for provincial governors; 012345 for diplomats and 8 for members of the House of Representatives. Plate numbers for private motor vehicles and other public vehicles should be changed. For private motor vehicles, the numbers follow. For the other public motor vehicles, the numbers are prefixed with AAAO.

By Alex Sanchez

Monday, August 19, 2013

Aurora New Municipal Executive

Outgoing Aurora, Zamboanga  Del Sur Mayor, Honorable Enrique J. Cabahug has served his town for about two decades; his two successive three terms only interrupted  by his wife Bonemar Cabahug who was also elected mayor after his first three terms expired in the early 90’s.

With Mayor Enrique Cabahug’s 2nd third term expiring this year, his son, another born leader and an illustrious son of an illustrious father, Atty. Boen Dorotheo Cabahug ran for mayor in the last elections and was heartily welcomed elected by a grateful constituency.

 Geared on continuing his father’s noted good governance, the new mayor assumed office last July 1, 2013 and now attending the duties of the town’s  executive. And in a gesture of unity, a vital ingredient of good governance, he attended the session of a divided Sanguniang Bayan  and gave his address.   ‘’ Let’s forget what had occurred in the last election among ourselves. The political exercise is over and we have to leave behind the things that have divided us. Let us now face the reality that we are all here to serve the public as we promised. So, we have to stand united to further hasten the development of our beloved town, which our people are expecting us to do without delay. Hence, I urge the Honorable members of this august body to set aside differences and prioritize programs that can be good for the common –tao” the new mayor said.

 I know my limited capability being  new in this job, and admit I really  need to learn more. However, I am consoled by the fact that we have here our vice mayor, Honorable Emmanuel "jojo" Palma, whose experience in government can enable him to be best teacher, since he was ahead of me in the local political scene”, he added.

When asked about his priority projects, Mayor Boen Cabahug said that since many of the town’s problems were earlier addressed by the former mayor, he will continue those that were not fully completed, and added that he will initiate more livelihood programs so as to raise the standard of living of the town’s under privileged, which he pledged never ever to abandon. 


Molave ZDS – Abdul  P. Motin is the LTO  officer in charge in Molave and is efficiently heading the office. The Molave  new office has a driver’s licensing room where applicants can seat while taking written tests . It has a cashier’s booth and a space for all other staffs. The driver’s licensing area is where clients most often loiter as a television set is installed for them to view and feel relaxed while waiting for their turn to transact business.
Motin said that the LTO extension office has a budget of thousands of pesos.
Accordingly, Molave LTO extension office has passed the evaluation for determining the soundness of its operation in the succeeding months.

The OIC is now encouraging valued clients to continue registering private motor vehicles, public utility vehicles and others at their extension office.


Undoubtedly, one of the most amazing and inimitable political leaders in Zamboanga del Sur is none other than outgoing Aurora Mayor, Honorable Enrique Cabahug. He actually led the town as hizzoner for countless of terms spanning more than two decades.

He finished his last 3rd –term as mayor this year and prides with incomparable development for his town. He completed  tangible projects  like the Municipal building worth millions, the ENFRES –project that was finished last 2012 and the FARM to Market ROAD FMR and the new Library and Museum that were implemented last June 28, 2013 .

Cabahug led the town in the same manner he steered his family to righteousness and prosperity; he stood up as its father, who is the most durable and strongest post in the home.

 He left behind a solid foundation and a legacy of good governance not quite easy to ignore by his successor. The path he trekked in the many years he governed Aurora is littered with indelible mark of development that could either be taken advantage his successor by simply continuing those projects  not yet completed and use his exemplary governance as a guide .

Cabahug is very optimistic that Aurora will be more prosperous with the incoming mayor, Atty. Dorotheo Boen Cabahug, his son in its helm. He is confident the incoming mayor, whom he describes and one with developmental outlook will carry one the legacy he left behind. He predicts his son will be able to do more because of his youth, energy and outlook in life.

The outgoing mayor said he will not  retire from serving the people but continue rendering service through a foundation he envisioned to establish to be named,“Alive Aurora”the primary purpose of which is to provide livelihood programs that can be availed of Auroraneans, in order to improve their lot, a dream he cherished to help fulfill for them.


Joel Capotulan, Olutanga town’s chief executive for a long time has now settled to become its vice mayor; no longer an executive but a legislator this time.
Jeng Capotulan, the man famous for his humility making him the most highly respected public official by his constituency during the three decades or so that he served them well delivered tangible projects and managed the affairs of his town through good governance.
But now, as Vice Mayor and presiding officer of the Sangguniang Bayan he is constantly pre –occupied in attending
to the proposed programs of the new mayor, who happens to be his younger brother.

He assured his constituency that he will continue to serve them beyond the parameters of his public office as he had always done in the past. As a doctor of medicine, he will continue to attend to the medical needs of the deserving poor in the community.


Pagadian City, ZDS-Johan Macaumbos is the newly installed LTO Chief / District Quality Management Representative (DQMR) in the LTO District of Pagadian City last July 2 ,2013.He was previously assigned at the  BUUG  Extension office for more than a decade .
In an interview with the Regional Director of the LTO of Zamboanga Peninsula Reg 9,Atty. Aminola Abaton, it was gathered that Johan Macaumbos is the right man to handle the job of a DQMR  in the said district for his capabilities have already been proven at his previous assignment, so that he can easily tackle any given task.
Abaton said that Johan Macaumbos has proven his ability to manage during his stint at the extension office where he was assigned for more than 12 years, where he was consistent in realizing the targeted revenue collection and handled efficiently his incidental duties relative to his office.
Macaumbos told media in RATSADA TV RPN 9 one tv channel and Mindanao Med Press that he needs to work hand in hand with all the LTO staffs to reach the goal and to hit the objective of the district office especially the yearly revenue collection of the agency, anyway. “I’ll not make a promise in my working ability but I’ll do my best heartily and truly, Macaumbos said.’’
Macaumbos uttered that his first mission is how to dis-allow fixers  since this is  really the big  problem as he looked to the transaction in the LTO.

The newly installed DQMR or LTO chief calls   one and all to register their car and motor vehicle to evade more circumstances in due time and drivers who have not yet driver licenses feel free to come into the district and fill in the requirements to have quicker result.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Mr. ENERGY – “Glavys” Gavenia

by: Alex Sanchez

Mr. Energy-Gavys Gavenia

Pagadian City – Mr . Arnold Gavenia, a city councilor of Pagadian City for 6 -consecutive years. Gavenia is modest, friendly and hardworking. He earned his engineering degree as a working student. His stint as an OFW for a few has made him doubly industrious, mentally and physically sturdy and has also broadened his outlook and insight about life.

Gavenia who has earned the “monicker spark plug sa Konseho“due to his advocacy for the economic well-being of motorcab drivers and operators. He is a businessman who is in selling replacement parts of different brands of motorcycle. He also operates one of the best restaurants in the city. He is chairman of the Committee on Transportation and Communication in the City Council for the last six years. His experience of making a living as a motor cab driver when he was very young has enabled him to know the problems of motor cab drivers and provide solution to them, thereby endearing him to this sector of the community.

A-G is the typical person whom everybody would want to be a friend. He is not ambitious but has an intense desire to help improve the business climate in the city to provide employment to the thousands of graduates from various colleges here.

A-G is the IDOL of the masses because he frequently roams around the city and visits its 54 –barangays and had been doing this ever since he was elected from 2007, trying to know the problems of each barangay.

Gavenia is not swell headed and not the type of politician that feels he is the masters of the people and not their servants.

A legacy he will surely leave to the Pagadianons is the scholarship he has granted for under privileged constituents in the 54- barangays.

Ilang-Ilang CO

by: Alex Sanchez

Ilang-Ilang Co

The first lady of Pagadian City Priscilla Ann “Ilang-ilang” Fernandez Co is running for mayor under the Liberal Party.

Doubtlessly a woman of substance, in the 9 years her better half, Mayor Sammy Co excellently governed Pagadian which has jumped from way below the ladder to 5th or 6th spot among the most developed cities in Mindanao, behind the cities, of Davao, Cagayan de Oro, Zamboanga, Butuan and Cotabato she has tirelessly assisted Co in improving the physical appearance of the city now popularly known as the “beautiful city” in southern Mindanao. 

Among her advocacies is to maintain the beauty and cleanliness of the city, giving it a woman’s touch to attract more tourists and investors as the city embarks a full development of its tourism potential so as to provide jobs and income of the city’s constituency.  She intends to give special attention to the youth to veer them away from prohibited drugs and instead will endeavor to provide them free and affordable college education to enable them to better face the challenges of life. 

As to highly educated mothers, who are tied up at home while nurturing babies or children, to enable them to get self employed by bringing to their homes the opportunity to work at home and earn a living so to help the family’s bread winner.

Aron mapadayon ang paglambo sa Pagadian ipuli si Ilang2x Co sa pagka mayor sa dakbayan” is the clamor of Pagadianons.


by: Alex Sanchez

Jesus Bajamunde

Jesus Bajamunde is an incumbent city councilor of Pagadian city who is now running for board member in the first district of Zamboanga del Sur. He is fondly called “Idol” by his supporters because Jesus, his real name, is very friendly to the common –tao of the province, particularly in the city of Pagadian .

Idol who is a 3rd termer as a city councilor has not suffered any defeat in his political career.

Bajamunde is a businessman and a politician. His ways are common and ordinary. He is simple, soft spoken and an unassuming guy that everybody loves to mingle with wherever they meet him.

Idol has never made any promises to his constituents during the three terms he was elected city councilor. But what he has greatly accomplished as city councilor he can even do more as a provincial legislator.

Capotulan’s Legacy – Olutanga

by: Alex Sanchez

Olutanga- Joel Capotulan  the Municipal Mayor of the island whose dictionary does not include the words “surrender” or “give up.” A man of valor, he endeavors to boldly face and surmount all difficulties along the way in his unending efforts to develop his town and improve the lot of his constituents. Mayor Capotulan sets the pace of good governance in the Island Olutanga.

His support of the PNP members down to Barangay Police to minimize delinquencies and reduce crime rate of the town is paying off.

He also implements the 24/7 service in every police substation to ensure safety to the community. A health service is prioritized since he is a doctor by providing free medical consultation and services to people. He frequently doles out financial assistance to indigent and gravely ill patients, particularly the poorest among the poor to enable them to have access to medical services in nationally funded government hospitals in Zamboanga City. Among his ongoing Infrastructure projects is the construction of a municipal building, where the amount allotted for erecting the building’s columns is about 1-million pesos and for the flooring an amount of 2-million pesos has been set aside from the pork barrel of Congressman Boyet Yambao.

Another is the maintenance of the Farm to Market Road (FMR) from barangay Pama to barangay Sta. Maria the amount of 12 M, which is already implemented; Construction of barangay road from Bateria , Calais and Noque had been realized with the amount of 26 Million from the Philippine Rural Development Program (PRDP) as Capotulan said .

Still another is the project worth 7 M given to the Women an which has shared by barangay Galas and neighboring barangays.

And for this year 2013, the PAyapa at MAsaganang pamayaNAn (PAMANA) has proposed the rehabilitation of Pulo Mabao road worth      19 M  and  for Pulo Laum . The construction of a water system worth of 3M, connected to various barangays so as to provide potable water to every family in the island.

The dispersal of the working Carabao taken care of by a family has been a big help to farmers in sustaining farming activities. As of today there are 9 live carabao’s handed to deserving families. Happy to note that the cultivation of Agar-agar is underway in Looc Sapi ,Pulo Mabao and Pulo Laum .

Capotulan is overwhelmed with joy with the implementation of these projects and the earmarking of new ones for his municipality. It addresses his ardent desire to develop his town to make it a peaceful and ideal place to live in.

Lastly but not the least, Capotulan’s awareness that a good college education will enable the young generation to be able to land a good  and well-paying jobs in urban centers, here and abroad, the good mayor provides scholarships to deserving students from his town.

paseo de Olutanga

Baleleng Fernandez- KINI ANG BALAOD

by: Alex Sanchez

Atty. Baleleng Fernandez

Pagadian City –Atty. Baldomero’’Baleleng’’ Fernandez has devoted the better part of his professional life as a private law practitioner and public prosecutor. He was the  city fiscal of Pagadian City in the 80’s and later Provincial Prosecutor of the undivided Zamboanga del Sur then covering more than 40 towns. 

Throwing his hat in the political arena in 1988 he was elected senior provincial board member also of the undivided Zamboanga del Sur. After resigning as provincial prosecutor in 1998 he returned to his practice of law to replace his wife, Dr. Dicky Fernandez after the latter’s 3 terms expired and was elected in 2004 and 2007 as board member of the 1st district of Zamboanga del Sur. 

Deciding not to complete his 3 terms, “Baleleng”(his popular monicker over the radio) ran for Pagadian City councilor in 2010 and placed 2nd.  He is now seeking a 2nd term as city councilor under the Liberal Party banner. Known for his humility and special affection for the disadvantaged in life, political pundits are heavily betting on his re-election as alderman of Pagadian City.

Some Happy Days

by: Alex Sanchez

Sammy Co's Natal day

Pagadian City - Sammy Co,the city’s hizzoner and chief executive for 9 consecutive years has transformed Pagadian into a booming commercial center, aside from being the regional government center of the Zamboanga peninsula.

An icon of good governance, dedication and hard work, Mayor Co celebrated his 47th natal day last March 10, 2013. As in previous years, Co held separate parties for city hall officials and employees, his political supporters and friends; only 3-day celebration was a little more pompous being his last birthday while in city hall.

To provide entertainment to guests, Gisselle Sanchez, the celebrity comedian was invited to host a program.  She left the audience still laughing to their hearts content after watching her dished out her antics and wares, which have made her famous and one of the top female comedians in the country.

The three day celebration of Mayor Co’s last birthday generated fun and gladness to many of his constituents, friends and political party mates, who attended in hordes and which kept Co beaming during the celebrations.

Co took the opportunity to quip in his short message during the program that he is running for Congressman of the first district of Zamboanga del Sur as official candidate of the Liberal Party of which he is the provincial chairman and if the Almighty God wills it that he will make it to Congress, 100 % he will not be a member of the silent committee but will participate in the debates of Congress, as well as initiate and support legislations beneficial to his district and Pagadian City.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ms. Sheryl Cruz and Mayor Samuel S. Co Pagadian City - March 19, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013

During the Birthday of Mayor Sammy Co 
 last March 10, 2013 with the guest celebrity Ms. Giselle Sanchez (right) and Ms Ilang Co the first lady sitting from right Dr. Ceniza and company.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Atty.Boen Dorotheo Cabahug

Atty.Boen Dorotheo Cabahug

Undoubtedly, the man to watch in the political firmament of Aurora town at the moment is a lawyer, who has been actively practicing his profession since he became one in 2001.

Atty. Cabahug is the Liberal Party’s official candidate for town mayor of Aurora and the son of incumbent, unbeaten and long-time Aurora town political kingpin, Mayor Enrique J. Cabahug.

A first timer as candidate, politics is not new to Atty. Cabahug, who was always in the thick of the fight every time his father and mother, BonemarCabahug, who had also served as mayor of Aurora were running for office. His involvement in those political exercises either as a planner or implementor of his father’s political strategies enabled him to have a good rapport with his father’s leaders, who have unanimously endorsed him as his father’s replacement for the 2013 midterm elections. Young and handsome, this soft spoken and sincere political new fight has a long way to go to reach his full stardom in politics. However, in the local politics of Aurora, people are saying Boen’s star is now twinkling in his hands. 

A Blissful Christmas in Pagadian City

Mayor Sammy Co

Pagadian City – Mayor Samuel S. Co, serving his last term and celebrating his last Christmas as the city’s hizzoner gave his all to make the city’s Christmas celebration meaningful and surrounded by festivities amid an atmosphere of liveliness and carefree as throngs of visitors from neighbouring towns and cities and even provinces are expected to come and have a view of city’s famous and upgraded dancing fountain; that now blows fire as multi-colored water jets towards the sky.
The mayor feels it is the best way to make people, victimized by the financial scam which operated in the city forget the traumatic incident and move on. It is also a way to express the Pagadianon’s gratitude to the Almighty for sparing the city from the devastation brought about by natural calamities that hit and ravaged other places in the country.

The Paskohan 2012 was planned a month ahead. It involved the Tourism Council’s head of office and staff. Various departments of the city coordinated with the city tourism office. It kicked off last December 8, 2012 with the lighting of the giant Christmas tree that rises 100 feet from where it stood and lanterns, as well as a display of fireworks lasting for several minutes. Lanterns of varying designs were displayed as entries in a competition that gives handsome prices. The activity ended on December 31, 2012.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Atty. Carlos Madarang

Atty. Carlos Madarang

Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Sanguniang Panglungsod
Pagadian City, 
Zamboanga Del Sur


Christmas season is yearly celebrations for its importance to refresh the birth of our almighty God, significantly the gifts giving connote love to each other as Jesus Christ loved by the 3- king who visited after he was born in Bethlehem.

I loved you all and my family extends greeting through this message.


4th celebration marks the dedication to the Blessed St. Anthony de Cebu

By: Alex Sanchez

Dodong Oriz

Sto. Nino, Tukuran, ZDS – Mr.Macario “Dodong” Oriz, founder of the Sinulog festival in his barangay believes that he is so blessed because of his faith in the Sto. Nino, which has made him committed to celebrate the fiesta every first Sunday of the month of January.

Oriz is not a public figure but just a simple fisherman, who has a deep faith in God and who wants to acknowledge and repay in his own way the blessings showered upon him from heaven.

The sinulog festival started at exactly 1pm last January 6, 2012 from Brgy. Sto Nino participated in by various contingents like one from Liloy,Zamboanga del Norte led by its town mayor, James Lim, a contingent from Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte accompanied by its organizers and LGU officials and the contingent fro Sta. Lucia, Pagadian City. Others, who graced the occasion, were Pagadian City First Lady Ilang-ilang Co, who represented Mayor Sammy Co and some city councillors.

The festival was well attended and so lively. It enabled many Catholic faithful to participate in a sinulog festival in their own place instead of going to other places, particularly in Cebu.

Rated as grand champion was the entry Tukuran, the first runner up went to Kapatagan, the 2nd runner up to Liloy and the 3rd to Pagadian City.



By: Alex Sanchez

Nazer Cauba

Pagadian City- Santa Lucia District Brgy Chairman Nasser Cauba has fully organized the BantayPulisng barangay in his barangay to ensure peace in his community and safety of his constituents. Sufficiently equipped, his brgy police force is put into service to provide 24/7 security over its area of responsibility.

A retired police officer, Cauba is noted for his leadership in his own turf. He shuns and avoids political bickeringamong officials in the barangay council and rather focuson his efforts in securing projects for the development of his barangay.

Lately, he has become aggressive in providing livelihood for his underprivileged constituents to enable them keep abreast with the others in the community.


By Alex Sanchez

Lorna Espina

MAHAYAG ZDS – Town Mayor Lorna Espina is working hard to provide more development for her town. Last December 4, 2012 a 43M proposed plan has been finished
for the concreting of the road from Lower SalugDako junction to Daniel C. Mantos, formerly barangay Sicpao; farm to market road FMR worth 12M from Purok 5 in Sicpao to Purok 6 also in Sicpao, funded by the Department of Agriculture (DA) with a counterpart from the local government unit of Mahayag.

The 10.5 M DAR-ARCPII 6 km traversing barangay Balamban and San Jose.Anotner proposed project 40 M road concreting traversing Lower Sto. Nino to Upper Sto.Nino and Brgy San Jose from DAR and from the office of the President NGALGO with a counterpart from LGU-MAHAYAG.

Napci one of the 606 municipalities

Mahayag can receive projects for potable water system, which is a grant project from SalugDako, Kaangayan, Bonyao and Mangilis.

Espina wished to extend her greetings to all her constituents and asks that they work hand in hand for the development of their town and to look forward for 2013 as a fruitful new year.


Jesus Bajamunde

City Councilor
Pagadian City

This is a great moment to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2013.
Do remember I am your “IDOL”, who will give a 24/7 service as long as you need it. Sincerely, I vow to do it, just try me…


Priscilla "Ilang-Ilang" Co

This pretty and amiable “First Lady” of Mayor Sammy Co of Pagadian City is not only a partner for life in family affairs but has been an invaluable partner of Mayor Co in his almost nine years of exemplary governance of the new regional center in Western Mindanao.

Almost a stickler for cleanliness with a weakness for ornamentals, she has seriously assumed the task of ‘cleaner’ or ‘sweeper’ of the city streets, canals and public markets, so that with a brigade of volunteers reinforcing city hall employees, it is not uncommon you see her garbed in working clothes leading the cleaning force in their attack of garbage and other wastes. On other occasions, especially when the city celebrates important events, you also see her leading the group that places lights and other ornaments to beautify city streets and plazas for the events.
Caught in the political turbulence that has changed the political profile of Zamboanga del Sur and Pagadian City, she has filed a certificate of candidacy for City Mayor of Pagadian City under the Liberal Party, of which Mayor Co who is running for Representative of the 1st district of the province is the provincial chairman.

A darling of local media, Ilang2x Co’s many contribution for several years as first lady in making what Pagadian is now today since Mayor Co took over is well known to Pagadianons who unanimously gave their nod when she threw her hat in the political arena.


Proof of peaceful management
By Alex Sanchez

Dr. Joel Capotulan M.D.

Dr.Joel Capotulan, M.D. has served Olutanga as its Municipal Mayor for 9 consecutive years with distinction. He served his constituents honestly, sincerely and with the utmost commitment of attaining the long sought development of Olutanga and of improving the lives of its people.

Leadership of a town executive is often measured by ones accomplishment in terms of project/program implementation and how they impact on the people. Mayor Capotulan’s watch can be characterized as the approach of the golden age in Olutanga with the various projects he implemented. And the achievement that makes him taller than his peers is his contribution to peace in the Island earning him the monicker of Peace Maker Mayor.

As “love begets love”, respect begets respect. These values Mayor Capotulan had held so dearly during his watch enabled him to get the attention of people and their respect for him.

Dr.Capotulan is not the typical person, one can easily sense to possess courage or boldness. And yet, his refine manners and the confidence he exudes generates an impression of a strong determination in the man to pursue and attain his goals.

His simplicity, meekness and mild manners are his invincible weapons in attaining his successes such as, a farm to market road in all barangays with 20% counterpart from LGU funds, which were implemented last year. Acquisition of heavy equipment by the LGU through a multi-million loan in 2011, which are very useful for road maintenance. A livelihood program through the Mindanao Rural Development Program (MRDP) under the Department of Agriculture (DA) is forthcoming. Aware that education is the most potent tool in eradicating illiteracy in his town, he has thrown his 100 % support for the Department of Education.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


by Alex Sanchez

A resident of Muricay, Pagadian City, SominalTaug lives simply with a daughter and a son. To support the family, she sells dry goods. She owns four dry goods store at Plaza Miranda, Quiapo, Manila and in other parts of Manila. Sominal enjoys her life and is quite happy. Her secret is adopting the principle “ what you own you get hold of it and don’t let it loose”.

          Unmistakably a courageous woman, she can easily anticipate problems, which gives her more time to find solutions. She has influence and frequently travels all over the country and abroad in connection with her business.
