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Sunday, December 8, 2013

71stAdlaw sa Aurora –Badak Festival 2013

Hon. Boen Dorotheo Cabahug

Aurora ZDS-Aiming at giving  the community  the best entertainment  they rightly deserve  Atty. Boen Dorotheo Cabahug the Municipal Mayor combined the scheduled activities at the 71s’t Founding Aniversary  usually celebrated  in the last Saturday of November with the Badak Festival as usually done during the term  of Mayor Enrique J. Cabahug.
Badak Festival’s  theme KalambuanPadayon ,Kahiusahan ,Gikinahanglan , Kalinaw ug Kalipay Mabatonan thus  projecting the  significance that unity is a must  for peace and  security and  growth for development to reign in a community expecting  good governance  from its leaders .
The festival was highlighted with a civic parade where floats from each sponsoring group were beautifully and proudly displayed .As a tournament, field demonstrationcontest, chess tournament, dancecontest, fungames and the most is the search for Miss Aurora aimed at developing talented ladies to become successful beauty Queen in the country soon.
During the search for Miss Aurora the guest speaker was Director Paisal O. Abutazil  the DILG- 9 Regional Director.
At some point from his speech he mentioned the Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan Pamana project  to inform the audience that it is about to be implemented  with a budget allocation worth of multi-million pesos .
The search was witnessed by various sponsors in the barangay’s town and the board of judges was from Cagayan de Oro City except one the Vice Mayor of TangubCity.
There were 8 pretty and intelligent contestants who were all asking to be crowned Miss Aurora 2013. In the Q& A portion three of them the 1, 6 and 8 bested the rest by giving smart answers. Yet the  best one who responded quickly  was Ms. Cristy Nina Alegado  who captured  the Miss Aurora 2013  crown , she was sponsored  by SK federation of Aurora .
Aurora ex- Mayor Enrique J.Cabahug and the town’s number one municipal councilor Bonemar Cabahug attended the search.
The joint  71’st adlaw sa Aurora  Badak Festival 2013 is the first celebration were the  first town activities  during the first year of the newly  elected mayor Atty. Boen Dorotheo Cabahug  which accordingly  was a huge success that not only surpassed  similar events in terms of attendance  but also of its contents as well.
In an interview of Mindanao Med Press Mayor Cabahug said that he will do the best to lessen the number of underprivileged people in his town. He will also prioritize the putting up of livelihood program for the low-income constituents of Aurora.

By: Alex Sanchez

Friday, October 18, 2013


Juvy Palgan Dagang a native of  Pagadian City and the youngest among the three children of Mr and Mrs Roque and Carmelita Palgan has a compelling passion for canines.

She is happily married to an army man by the name of Jayson Dagang, who is now in Syria fulfilling a special assignment.

Only a few months ago, her services was hired by Perla Compania de  Seguros Inc, one of the most reputable non-life insurance companies in the country to manage its local branch here.

From then on she has been spending most of her time in the office even as she still manages to find time to mingle with friends by playing (badminton)every now and then; yet her heart truly belongs to the biosphere of animals, specifically her pet dogs in a good number.

Juvy is a pet lover but most often socializes with those whose passion for pet animals are akin to hers. She cherishes attending meetings of pet organizations and passionately participates inpet competitions, which she confides brings here an enormous feeling of self-satisfaction and fills the emptiness of being childless at this time and with an absentee better-half.
JUVY’S dogs numbering in eight are named Thomas, Jazz, Bruno, Bacoco, Goldy, Buday, Buddoy and Margo .

City Police Director Genn Macario Dulawan said in the interview with the medpress that police men have been deployed in coastal and urban barangays to block bad elements group. This time PNP members are occupied to do the 24/7 responsibility in preventing and safeguarding peoples life and property in the community.

Marilou Talibong - LTO Personnel Molave Zamboanga del Sur

We wanted to enjoy what we were doing and we had business things we had to straighten out and personnel problems and it sort of took a little time to do it.

Pagadian Gas Appliance

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

1ST-100 DAY

Mayor Boen Cabahug

Conscious that the excellent performance of his predecessor, who happens to be his mentor and father, Ex-Mayor Enrique Cabahug, who for many years has displayed a no nonsense skills in governance, incumbent Aurora town Mayor Dorotheo Boen Cabahug has exerted his level best if only to approximate the accomplishments of his father.
Among the projects, the new mayor beams with pride are the concreting of roads, such as the Bailde barangay road, a grant from the DILG as reward for a splendid green and clean program which won in a competition. He also speaks highly of the locally funded concreting of a road going to the national high school as well as the farm to market road of Sition Pacatan which was approved by the Department of Agriculture for funding with a 20% counterpart for the LGU fund.
Another project he mentions proudly is the Pamana Program of which Aurora is among the 15 towns of Zamboanga del Sur who would stand to benefit in the sum of P15 Million and earmarked for the development of the road in barangay Commonwealth.

“As for now, I am going to find out what are the most important things to do that would redound to the progress of Aurora, which is foremost in my mind.  I hope to attain my dream of a progressive Aurora by applying the principle of good governance, I inherited from my father.”

By Alex Sanchez


It only happened for the first time in Pagadian City and only under the watch of new LTO District Chief Johan Macaumbos that emission tests of Rural Transit bus are conducted right inside the LTO compound at Tiguma, Pagadian City.
Noticeable also is the fast delivery of services unparreled in the past years such as the renewal of driver’s license and renewal of car registrations. A firm believer that clients themselves are the best advertisers of good services, Macaumbos sees to it that functions of various sections in the district office run smoothly and efficiently.

By Alex Sanchez


During a one on one talk with this journalist, Regional Director Aminola Abaton last August 28, 2013 clarified the dual position held by LTO9Asst. Regional Director Yusop Lamping, who is also presently the head of operation at the central office in Manila. Abaton said that while Lamping has been out for about a couple of months, he is still considered the legal occupant of the position of LTO9 Assistant Regional Director, hence, the position is not vacant and cannot be applied by any person.

Abaton during the casual talk also said that protocol plate numbers will be implemented in the third quarter of September; as follows: SAAO123 for provincial governors; 012345 for diplomats and 8 for members of the House of Representatives. Plate numbers for private motor vehicles and other public vehicles should be changed. For private motor vehicles, the numbers follow. For the other public motor vehicles, the numbers are prefixed with AAAO.

By Alex Sanchez

Monday, August 19, 2013

Aurora New Municipal Executive

Outgoing Aurora, Zamboanga  Del Sur Mayor, Honorable Enrique J. Cabahug has served his town for about two decades; his two successive three terms only interrupted  by his wife Bonemar Cabahug who was also elected mayor after his first three terms expired in the early 90’s.

With Mayor Enrique Cabahug’s 2nd third term expiring this year, his son, another born leader and an illustrious son of an illustrious father, Atty. Boen Dorotheo Cabahug ran for mayor in the last elections and was heartily welcomed elected by a grateful constituency.

 Geared on continuing his father’s noted good governance, the new mayor assumed office last July 1, 2013 and now attending the duties of the town’s  executive. And in a gesture of unity, a vital ingredient of good governance, he attended the session of a divided Sanguniang Bayan  and gave his address.   ‘’ Let’s forget what had occurred in the last election among ourselves. The political exercise is over and we have to leave behind the things that have divided us. Let us now face the reality that we are all here to serve the public as we promised. So, we have to stand united to further hasten the development of our beloved town, which our people are expecting us to do without delay. Hence, I urge the Honorable members of this august body to set aside differences and prioritize programs that can be good for the common –tao” the new mayor said.

 I know my limited capability being  new in this job, and admit I really  need to learn more. However, I am consoled by the fact that we have here our vice mayor, Honorable Emmanuel "jojo" Palma, whose experience in government can enable him to be best teacher, since he was ahead of me in the local political scene”, he added.

When asked about his priority projects, Mayor Boen Cabahug said that since many of the town’s problems were earlier addressed by the former mayor, he will continue those that were not fully completed, and added that he will initiate more livelihood programs so as to raise the standard of living of the town’s under privileged, which he pledged never ever to abandon. 


Molave ZDS – Abdul  P. Motin is the LTO  officer in charge in Molave and is efficiently heading the office. The Molave  new office has a driver’s licensing room where applicants can seat while taking written tests . It has a cashier’s booth and a space for all other staffs. The driver’s licensing area is where clients most often loiter as a television set is installed for them to view and feel relaxed while waiting for their turn to transact business.
Motin said that the LTO extension office has a budget of thousands of pesos.
Accordingly, Molave LTO extension office has passed the evaluation for determining the soundness of its operation in the succeeding months.

The OIC is now encouraging valued clients to continue registering private motor vehicles, public utility vehicles and others at their extension office.
