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Monday, August 19, 2013

Aurora New Municipal Executive

Outgoing Aurora, Zamboanga  Del Sur Mayor, Honorable Enrique J. Cabahug has served his town for about two decades; his two successive three terms only interrupted  by his wife Bonemar Cabahug who was also elected mayor after his first three terms expired in the early 90’s.

With Mayor Enrique Cabahug’s 2nd third term expiring this year, his son, another born leader and an illustrious son of an illustrious father, Atty. Boen Dorotheo Cabahug ran for mayor in the last elections and was heartily welcomed elected by a grateful constituency.

 Geared on continuing his father’s noted good governance, the new mayor assumed office last July 1, 2013 and now attending the duties of the town’s  executive. And in a gesture of unity, a vital ingredient of good governance, he attended the session of a divided Sanguniang Bayan  and gave his address.   ‘’ Let’s forget what had occurred in the last election among ourselves. The political exercise is over and we have to leave behind the things that have divided us. Let us now face the reality that we are all here to serve the public as we promised. So, we have to stand united to further hasten the development of our beloved town, which our people are expecting us to do without delay. Hence, I urge the Honorable members of this august body to set aside differences and prioritize programs that can be good for the common –tao” the new mayor said.

 I know my limited capability being  new in this job, and admit I really  need to learn more. However, I am consoled by the fact that we have here our vice mayor, Honorable Emmanuel "jojo" Palma, whose experience in government can enable him to be best teacher, since he was ahead of me in the local political scene”, he added.

When asked about his priority projects, Mayor Boen Cabahug said that since many of the town’s problems were earlier addressed by the former mayor, he will continue those that were not fully completed, and added that he will initiate more livelihood programs so as to raise the standard of living of the town’s under privileged, which he pledged never ever to abandon. 


Molave ZDS – Abdul  P. Motin is the LTO  officer in charge in Molave and is efficiently heading the office. The Molave  new office has a driver’s licensing room where applicants can seat while taking written tests . It has a cashier’s booth and a space for all other staffs. The driver’s licensing area is where clients most often loiter as a television set is installed for them to view and feel relaxed while waiting for their turn to transact business.
Motin said that the LTO extension office has a budget of thousands of pesos.
Accordingly, Molave LTO extension office has passed the evaluation for determining the soundness of its operation in the succeeding months.

The OIC is now encouraging valued clients to continue registering private motor vehicles, public utility vehicles and others at their extension office.


Undoubtedly, one of the most amazing and inimitable political leaders in Zamboanga del Sur is none other than outgoing Aurora Mayor, Honorable Enrique Cabahug. He actually led the town as hizzoner for countless of terms spanning more than two decades.

He finished his last 3rd –term as mayor this year and prides with incomparable development for his town. He completed  tangible projects  like the Municipal building worth millions, the ENFRES –project that was finished last 2012 and the FARM to Market ROAD FMR and the new Library and Museum that were implemented last June 28, 2013 .

Cabahug led the town in the same manner he steered his family to righteousness and prosperity; he stood up as its father, who is the most durable and strongest post in the home.

 He left behind a solid foundation and a legacy of good governance not quite easy to ignore by his successor. The path he trekked in the many years he governed Aurora is littered with indelible mark of development that could either be taken advantage his successor by simply continuing those projects  not yet completed and use his exemplary governance as a guide .

Cabahug is very optimistic that Aurora will be more prosperous with the incoming mayor, Atty. Dorotheo Boen Cabahug, his son in its helm. He is confident the incoming mayor, whom he describes and one with developmental outlook will carry one the legacy he left behind. He predicts his son will be able to do more because of his youth, energy and outlook in life.

The outgoing mayor said he will not  retire from serving the people but continue rendering service through a foundation he envisioned to establish to be named,“Alive Aurora”the primary purpose of which is to provide livelihood programs that can be availed of Auroraneans, in order to improve their lot, a dream he cherished to help fulfill for them.


Joel Capotulan, Olutanga town’s chief executive for a long time has now settled to become its vice mayor; no longer an executive but a legislator this time.
Jeng Capotulan, the man famous for his humility making him the most highly respected public official by his constituency during the three decades or so that he served them well delivered tangible projects and managed the affairs of his town through good governance.
But now, as Vice Mayor and presiding officer of the Sangguniang Bayan he is constantly pre –occupied in attending
to the proposed programs of the new mayor, who happens to be his younger brother.

He assured his constituency that he will continue to serve them beyond the parameters of his public office as he had always done in the past. As a doctor of medicine, he will continue to attend to the medical needs of the deserving poor in the community.


Pagadian City, ZDS-Johan Macaumbos is the newly installed LTO Chief / District Quality Management Representative (DQMR) in the LTO District of Pagadian City last July 2 ,2013.He was previously assigned at the  BUUG  Extension office for more than a decade .
In an interview with the Regional Director of the LTO of Zamboanga Peninsula Reg 9,Atty. Aminola Abaton, it was gathered that Johan Macaumbos is the right man to handle the job of a DQMR  in the said district for his capabilities have already been proven at his previous assignment, so that he can easily tackle any given task.
Abaton said that Johan Macaumbos has proven his ability to manage during his stint at the extension office where he was assigned for more than 12 years, where he was consistent in realizing the targeted revenue collection and handled efficiently his incidental duties relative to his office.
Macaumbos told media in RATSADA TV RPN 9 one tv channel and Mindanao Med Press that he needs to work hand in hand with all the LTO staffs to reach the goal and to hit the objective of the district office especially the yearly revenue collection of the agency, anyway. “I’ll not make a promise in my working ability but I’ll do my best heartily and truly, Macaumbos said.’’
Macaumbos uttered that his first mission is how to dis-allow fixers  since this is  really the big  problem as he looked to the transaction in the LTO.

The newly installed DQMR or LTO chief calls   one and all to register their car and motor vehicle to evade more circumstances in due time and drivers who have not yet driver licenses feel free to come into the district and fill in the requirements to have quicker result.
